Network security including wireless and mobile networks
Safety Medical Systems
Communications Security
RFID, Privacy, Trust (Trust)
Critical infrastructure systems
Security in VoIP, videoconferencing and telepresence.
Security in e-Business, e-Commerce, E-Government and e-Health
Trends in norms and standards of information security
Cybercrime. Security in virtual environments
Scientific Committee
Lic. Javier Díaz, UNLP
Ing. Antonio Ricardo Castro Lechtaler, MSc, IESE
Ing. Javier Echaiz, UNSur
Ing. Carlos Benítez, MSc - CITEDEF.
Dr. Carlos García Garino, UN Cuyo
Dr. Carlos Aquistapace, IESE.
Dr. Jorge Ramió Aguirre, UPM, España.
Dra. Liane Tarouco, UFRGS Brasill
Dr. Javier García Villalba, UCM, España
Mg. Lia Molinari, UNLP
Lic. Paula Venosa, UNLP
Lic. Edith García IESE
Universidad CAECE
Reconocimiento definitivo por Resolución Ministerial Nro. 1.295 del 10 de agosto de 1987
Olavarría 2464 - B7600ELH - Mar del Plata - Argentina - Tel. +54 0223 499-3400